Who is Schütz?


David Schütz

I am Catholic, married to Cathy, father of Maddy & Mia. I was once a Lutheran pastor, but a “year of grace” and soul-searching led me into the Catholic Church. It was a bumpy ride, but with the support of my (still Lutheran) wife, I was finally confirmed on June 16, 2003.

That was a long time ago now. From 2002 to 2020, I was the Executive Officer of the Ecumenical & Interfaith Commission of the Archdiocese of Melbourne. But changes at the Archdiocese led me to the opportunity to continue studying, and I completed my Masters degree in Theology at the University of Divinity during the infamous Melbourne Covid Lockdowns.

Since 2017 I have also been a sessional academic at the Australian Catholic University, where I am now also a PhD candidate at the Institute for Religion and Critical Inquiry. My research thesis is on the historical relationship of Karl Rahner and Joseph Ratzinger and the way in which they both sought to do theology for “die Menschen von heute” of their age.

Follow me on Twitter: @scecclesia