Cathy and I celebrated our wedding anniversary on the weekend, staying overnight in the city. We went to 11am mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral and were treated to the regular liturgical and musical excellence that takes place there for the Archbishop’s mass every week. This is what we heard:
Gregorian Introit: Benedicta sit
Missa Papae Marcelli – Palestrina
Tibi laus – Philips
Gregorian Communion: Benedicimus Deum
Postlude: Prelude in E-flat (BWV 552) – Bach
The better half found it very worshipful, especially the way in which the choir did not “take over” from the congregation but melded their parts with the parts of the congregation (it was a fully sung mass, of course). Chatting with the Dean afterwards, we have to agree that Archbishop Hart has achieved a great deal liturgically at the Cathedral. +Denis was once Assistant Priest and Master of Ceremonies at St Patrick’s himself from 1969-74). One could say he is now “Grand Master” of Ceromonies!
After listening to the postlude and lighting candles, we went outside where most of the crowd of worshippers had thinned away. But +Denis was still there, accepting the invitation to be photographed by and with the tourists. We took the opportunity of asking and receiving a blessing from our Pastor-in-Chief. He commended Cathy especially “for all your support you give David without which he would not be able to do so much for us.” Mmmm. A lot of truth in that…
God’s blessings and many years to you both!
Prior post was mine.
Congrats! :-)