Today, checking my home email for the first time in three weeks, I found an email sent a fortnight ago from the WYD ticketing office on behalf of the WYD Coordinator himself offering us VIP seating to all the major WYD events in Sydney…
Oh well. We had the “authentic” experience!
Hi David,
We checked our computer at the eleventh hour and found the same offer. If it is any consolation we opted to do it tough at the Vigil, because as my kids put it “This is the genuine pilgrim experience”. They were probably reacting to the over the top catering while we were watching the Stations of the Cross at the exhibition centre – it was described as “Gold Class” standard
How did your “sleep over” (as Mia called it) go, Clara? I do agree, I wouldn’t have wanted to miss that experience!
My kids loved it! Caroline was with Monica O’Shea’s group and has made the best friends.
The boys are still talking about sleeping out – they really liked being next to five pilgrims from Congo who only spoke French. I have to confess I left at about 11.30, after tucking the boys into their sleeping bags and handing Dominic his rosary beads. I went back to the hostel only to have to get up at 5.30 to make my way back for Mass. I got to walk an extra 5kms to make up for not sleeping out! The Krohns also slept out, even though they had VIP passes.
And, if it is any consolation, the loos at the VIP section were disgusting! Serious overflow problems.
It was rather disconcerting at VIP events as many were from the corporate world – sponsors, etc, who may as well have been at a football game.
We caught up with our good friend Fr John Vesic who was representing the Serbian Archbishop at various events. (And he spoke with the Holy Father for about a minute at the Ecumenical and Interfaith gathering). He was with the bishops at the Stations viewing and commented that the Spanish bishops and cardinals refrained from refreshments during the Stations. He wondered whether WYD Madrid will be more abstemious for VIPS.
You don’t look NEAR cold enough!
At my genuine pilgrim experience, I thought my teeth would shiver right out the night before Des Moines with JPII!
Refreshments during the stations? Wow. That’s some new kind of stations. Good for the Spanish bishops!
I’m just happy that I had the best seat, and the same seat I had for the “pope’s” staged spectacle here — not there.
I assume that the Stations – rightly understood – would be a perfectly acceptable Lutheran devotion.
After all, as some traddies seem to forget, all that is required is to devoutly meditate upon our Lord's Passion (and, if there be Stations erected, to pass from one to another, in imitation of His footsteps to Calvary).
I expect that Luther would have said that Veronica &c. was fine as a private opinion, so long as not taken as an article of faith.
It ain’t that Joshua — I was just having a little trouble imagining some wine and cheese in between verses of the Stabat mater dolorosa.
Wonder if they have full sandwiches after the Jesus carries his cross one.
Better yet, how about a progressive dinner sort of thing.
Refreshments during the Stations. Yeah, it’s the same church all right. Judas H Priest falling down the stairs.
Well, I don’t recall having any refreshments during Stations, so I got no idea what you’re talking about, PE.
Well, David, I guess you just had to slum it with the rest of us mere mortals.
Except that I went “home” to my comfy warm bed in Como…
Of course, PE, I fully agree that snacks during the Stations is in very poor taste.
My group, having been unable to gatecrash Il Papa’s appearance at the Cathedral, gave up and had coffee instead.
We had had tickets for Barangaroo, but having been in the crush there the day before I couldn’t bear the idea of having to be in such a press of people again.
So I didn’t see the Stations at all.
(I find that seeing them acted out makes me so emotional that I can hardly cope. Which I suppose is right.)