In case you have been living under a rock, in the last 48 hours a “perfect storm” has begun to brew in the United States over pro-abortion politicians who are publicly known to be practicing (if not actually “faithful”) Catholics. And, as with our “test case” here in Oz, the bishops are the ones caught in the centre (since responsibility for the administration of the eucharist in their dioceses ultimately falls upon them).
Here are the links. Read them for yourself.
whispersintheloggia “Hail Columbia… Hello controversy
John Allen: “With Biden Pick, America’s Bishops face a familiar headache
Perlosi interview transcript from “Meet the Press” (go down the page or search for “abortion” and you will find the relevant section)
whispersintheloggia “Egan: Pelosi positions utterly incredible”
USCCB statement
Sandrao Magister at chiesa.come ” Obama’s pick for Vice President is Catholic. But the Bishops Deny him Communion (well, some anyway – Magister includes the interview with Raymond Burke, now Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura)
Pelosi has basically said tot eh bishops: “bite me!”
Wonder where it will go to from here.
I live in Pelosiville, and I can tell you Nan is not the fastest ship in the fleet. I think she hit on an argument that she thought would give her some wiggle-room, and didn’t realize that trying to defend her position in debate is the last thing she and the other pro-abortion Catholic politicians want to do.
Their only hope is to fudge the issue, and rely on Democrat bishops to want to do the same. Now she has put them on the hot seat. It will be most interesting to read our Archbishop’s response when it comes out.