Help A Catholic Blogger Pay of His Student Loan: Vote Now!

Andrew Rabel writes:

Dear friends,

A very deserving young Catholic man, who has a blog which I heartily recommend (American Papist), has entered a competition for student bloggers. The winner will be a awarded a college scholarship, enabling Tom to be able to pay off his student loans.

Please go to this site, and click the circle for Thomas Peters.

As you can see from the blog, Tom has even interviewed the likes of Archbishop Chaput, which can be played on YouTube. I feel it is so important that we encourage our young people particularly if they show a desire to spread the faith, and are smart at doing this.

God bless

PS Once you have voted, you can’t do this again. They obviously can detect a computer that has done this once.

Thomas is currently running in second place way behind some US Marine guy or something. You can help him cross the line! Let’s make this a sort of “blog-chain-letter” – post it on your Catholic blog and encourage others to do so too! Fr Z. et aliter are all on side. I don’t know when the voting closes, so do it now!

P.S. Thomas has some great photo caption competitions on his blog.

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