In case you don’t know, I am a sessional teacher for a joint initiative of Anima Women’s Network (nb. their website needs donations to complete its development) and Catholic Women’s League called Anima Education.
I’ve been teaching a course called “Reading Paul” for the last six months, and we are going to continue this until the end of the Pauline Year.
Anyway, here are some advance details of the lectures and dates – for my courses and for the other teachers – so that you can plan to attend next year (if you are in Melbourne, that is).
Venue: Mary Glowrey House, 132 Nicholson Street FITZROY Vic 3065
David Schutz (all 6.30 – 8.30 pm)
Reading Paul (I Thessalonians)
Mondays in February and March 2/2, 9/2, 16/2, 23/2, 2/3, 16/3, 23/3, 30/3
Reading Paul (Philippians)
Mondays in May and June 4/5, 11/5, 18/5, 25/5, 1/6, 15/6,
Apocalypse Now (The Revelation to St John)
Mondays July to September 27/7, 3/8, 10/8, 17/8 24/8, 31/8, 7/9, 14/9
The Last Things (Death, Judgement, Heaven and Hell – et aliter).
Mondays in Oct and Nov 5/10, 12/10, 19/10, 26/10, 9/11, 16/11, 23/11, 31/11
Joanne Grainger (6.30 – 8.30 pm)
Evangelium Vitae
Wednesdays in March and April 18/3, 25/3, 1/4
Anna Krohn (6.00 – 8.00 pm)
Theology of the Body
Wednesdays in April, May, June 29/4, 6/5, 13/5, 20/5, 27/5, 3/6, 10/6, 17/6
Clara Geoghegan (6.00 – 8.00 pm)
Called and Gifted Short Course
Wednesdays in July-Sept 22/7, 29/7, 5/8, 12/8, 19/8, 26/8, 2/9, 9/9
Costs are $15 a session or $85 for six sessions. You can book up for a whole course or just turn up and pay on the night.
For more info ring Joan on 9926 5733 – or leave a question in the combox.
I am struggling with Envy.