A great loss to the Ecumenical Movement

In the midst of joy, we are in grief at the death of an outstanding worker in the vineyard of ecumenism, Fr Peter Cross. Fr Cross died on Saturday night at 9:50pm. He is a great loss to the Ecumenical Movement around the world, particularly in Anglican Catholic relationships as a member of the Anglican Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC) and most recently in the preparation of the joint statement “Mary: Grace and Hope in Christ” . Rest in Peace, Peter.

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One Response to A great loss to the Ecumenical Movement

  1. Tony says:


    I had known for some time about Peter’s final health battle and read with loss and sadness of his death. In my Melbourne years he was one of the priests whom I admired. Inl ater years he also provided a supportive reference for a job application I had submitted.

    Rest in the Lord, Peter

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