Encyclical "in the next few days"?

Cathnews today featured an article in The Guardian by Hugh O’Shaughnessy which opens with this line:

In the next few days Benedict XVI is to sign a new encyclical letter to be called Caritas in Veritate.

The “next few days”? Is it really that imminent?

But I have to agree with O’Shaughnessy’s assessment that:

Many Catholics have been champing at the bit for Rome to bring out some more coherent view of the economic state of the world than that left behind by Benedict’s Polish predecessor… Now is the time for fresh thinking, is the cry heard from many theologians… The details of the pope’s attitude to the capitalism are unknown since he has not written much on economic subjects, but he has long been on record as thinking that an economy without any ethical or religious foundation is destined for collapse.

Personally, I am looking for an approach to social justice and economic ethics that “fits” with an authentic Catholicism. I am eager to hear what Pope Benedict has to say, and I am hoping like blazes for something fresh that I, as a Catholic who wishes to “think with the Church”, might grab hold of with both hands and take forward into the real world in which I live.

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2 Responses to Encyclical "in the next few days"?

  1. Louise says:

    I suppose I’d better read Spe Salvi!

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