Events at Caroline Chisholm Library

I received this email from Anna Krohn, who is, among other things, the librarian of the Caroline Chisholm Library. You might be interested if you are in town.

Dear Friends,

Just to remind you of three events at the Caroline Chisholm Library programme over the next weeks-

1) The fascinating scholar Dr Anna Silvas speaks of her visits to ancient Asia Minor, once called simply the ‘Christian land’,today Turkey. After briefly outlining the character of St Basil the Great, she reports on her search for the location of St Basil’s retreat, which was eventful and wonderfully successful. In St Basil the Great: Voyage of Discovery. 1-2pm Wednesday July 29th, 2009.

2) Fr Anthony Denton the Director of the Melbourne Archdiocese’s Vocation Office will speak with and present Bishop Julian Porteous (Auxiliary Bishop of Sydney) new book After the Heart of God (Connor Court Press, 2009) in which the Bishop addresses the question of the mission of the priest in contemporary times. Book Launch: Friday 7th August,6.30 pm (with refreshments)

3) The widely recognised and popular English Catholic journalist: Joanna Bogle will be present at the launch of her most recent book: A Yearbook of Feasts and Seasons (Gracewing Press, 2009) on 6.30 pm Friday 17th August. (Book signing and refreshments)

All are welcome.
Best wishes: AMK

Caroline Chisholm Library
3rd Floor/ 358 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne email:

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One Response to Events at Caroline Chisholm Library

  1. Louise says:

    I’d love to meet Auntie Joanna!

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