The Church's Mission

Just in case we have forgotten what we are supposed to be about, here is a reminder:

  • I encourage in each one of you a deeper awareness of Christ’s missionary mandate to “make disciples of all peoples” (Matt 28:19)
  • We should have a longing and a passion to illumine all peoples with the light of Christ that shines on the face of the Church
  • The Church works not to extend her power or assert her dominion, but to lead all people to Christ, the salvation of the world.
  • Dispersion, multipicity, conflict and enmity will be healed and reconciled through the blood of the Cross and led back to unity.
  • This new beginning can already be seen in the resurrection and exaltation of Christ
  • Christ calls, justifies, sanctifies and sends his disciples to proclaim the Kingdom of God, so that all nations may become the People of God.
  • The universal mission should become a fundamental constant in the life of the Church
  • Proclamation of the Gospel must be for us, as it was for the Apostle Paul, a primary and unavoidable duty
  • The universal Church, which knows neither borders nor frontiers, is aware of her responsibility to procalim the Gospel to entire peoples
  • The mission of the Church, therefore, is to call all peoples to the salvation accomplished by God through his incarnate Son
  • the task of evangelising all people constitutes the essential mission of the Church
  • At stake is the eternal salvation of persons, the goal and the fulfillment of human history and the universe
  • The whole Church must be committed to the missio ad gentes, until the salvific sovereignty of Christ is fully accomplished
  • Missionary zeal has always been a sign of the vitality of our Churches
  • I therefore ask all Catholics to pray to the Holy Spirit for an increase in the Church’s passion for her mission to spread the Kingdom of God
  • It is my fervant plea before the throne of God, Holy Father.

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