Starting Tonight! "The Last Things" with Anima Education

It’s not too late to join us for our final subject at Anima Education this year. Appropriately, as we come to the end of the year and the season All Saints, All Souls, Christ the King and Advent, we will be focusing on the “Last Things” – or eschatology as theologians like to call it (any doctrine always sounds better in Greekish). So, bring your bible, your catechism, yourself and your $15 to Mary Glowrey House tonight for a very exciting 8 week course. Details below:

The Last ThingsMy final Anima Education Course for 2009 will look at

  • Death
  • “The end of the World”
  • Judgement
  • Resurrection
  • Heaven
  • Hell
  • Purgatory
  • Eternal Life

Why do we Catholics believe what we do? What is the source of our great HOPE?

SPE SALVI facti sumus—in hope we were saved, says Saint Paul to the Romans, and likewise to us (Rom 8:24)” Benedict XVI Spe Salvi

16 hours of interactive lecture/discussion

Mondays Oct 5—Nov 30 (excl. November 2) 6.30-8.30 pm
Mary Glowrey House, 132 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy (opposite Carlton Gardens)
Total cost : $120, payable in advance

A joint project of Anima Education and the Catholic Women’s League

For more information or to register, contact Joan on 9926 5733 or email

PS. I should add that it was Joan, and not I myself, who wrote the description of me on the flyer!

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4 Responses to Starting Tonight! "The Last Things" with Anima Education

  1. Daniel Bourke says:

    Hey David,

    You should consider recording these talks,
    I’d defiantly pay to hear them!

    – Dan

    • Schütz says:

      Well, you see, it’s like this…

      You see, I don’t lecture from written notes, and I have a mouth like a torn sugar-bag, and sometimes I say things that I probably shouldn’t say, and if I were to do that on a tape that got circulated…

      Perhaps, what I should do, is actually try to produce a series of special recorded lectures as such. That could be a good idea.

  2. matthias says:

    Very catchy the first phrase “Our final Anima education course for 2009 will look at Death’ .
    Reminds me of the sermon on the Secret Rapture
    “When will it occur?” “Tonight at 7-00pm in the lower church hall”!!!

  3. matthias says:

    Put them as podcasts on this website perhaps.

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