Well big news in Melbourne is that the “Global Atheism Convention” has “sold out”. Apparently they have 2500 coming for the March 12-14 event. Let’s see… World Parliament of Religions got 5,500… so does that mean that the Religions are still winning? OR that Atheists are catching up?
In this story by Barney in today’s edition of The Age, convention organiser and Atheist Foundation of Australia president David Nicholls said
”We think this is a turning point for secularism in Australia, and it will be looked at by the rest of the world. We will see it happening more through the free planet, and our aim is to make the whole planet free.”
The “free planet”? “Our aim is to make the whole planet free”? Mr Nicholls doesn’t believe in God, but he seems to believe in extra-terrestial life, and apparently the Earth has been taken prisoner…?
Or does he mean that the Atheist aim is to make the whole planet free FROM something? Let me guess… Religion? OR People who BELIEVE in a Religion? Is that what he means? The “virus” or “plague” of religious believers? If so… (tell me if I am going wrong here, won’t you) …then this convention sounds like the Nuremberg Rally on steriods.
”We think this is a turning point for secularism in Australia, and it will be looked at by the rest of the world. We will see it happening more through the free planet, and our aim is to make the whole planet free.”
Free the planet! free the planet!
Make the poor planet freeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
What a doofus.
I think it’s hilarious that anyone would think, in our current milieu, that 2500 atheists at a convention is worth getting excited about.
250,000 pilgrims in Sydney for WYD? No big deal really. Except to whinge and whinge and moan about it.
I don’t want to be too churlish… if atheists want a convention, why not? How about organising an atheist WYD??
However, I notice an unusual pattern in the presenters….
Most of the headline speakers are 60-something white males, and the other major group of performers are comedians.
More seriously though, how much of the convention will be spent talking about the atheist world view, rather than just sneering at religion? The title of the convention, “Atheism Convention” will probable prove to be very accurate. They define themselves simply by being not religious, rather than by any positive beliefs or values.
Most of the headline speakers are 60-something white males, and the other major group of performers are comedians.
Now that’s an interesting observation. For comparison the Parliament of the World’s Religions had a great many women presenters (i don’t know the percentage but there was no conspicuous imbalance) and no comedians. I wonder about that last point. Is it possible that the PWR was taking itself just a little too seriously? (Mmm… could be… ;-))
On the other hand, the Parliament did represent all the cultures of the world including the indigenous, whereas this one seems to be predominately Western in conception. That could be one reason why the government is not so keen to fund it.
And as a final observation, the PWR had lots and lots of art, and dance and music. If the only art-form the atheists can create is joking and that about the people they hold in contempt, well, perhaps we are back in Nuremberg again?
The lack of comedians at the PWR may just have meant that comedians don’t take anything seriously enough.
I hear the jackboots of the Dawkins SS and the Hitchens Youth (?) discussing endlessly. have they set up a leprosy support service or sought to alleviate poverty . There are many good people-humanists/atheists-working amongst the world’s most vulnerable groups alongside Christians-toxic and non toxic variety.Sadly it is the latter that get tarred with the former by the atheists.
I had my now Socialist borther tell me that as far as he was concerned,socialism was a quasi Christian sect!!!?
However I recall a British journalist an atheist writing an article entitled AFRICA NEEDS CHRISTIANITY . He recognised that not only did our faith give hope but it empowered African converts to act within the larger society in a positive way.
I wonder if he is invited . Perhaps Father Peter Kennedy could hold a Blessing of the atheists-just like Blessing of the animals,except the animals would be better behaved.
This is it, Matthias: