I have to hand it to Marco, this one is really funny.
Your Host:
- David Schütz Melbourne, Australia Peccator apud peccatores, et insanus apud insanos
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- Catholic priesthood crisis
- Catholic Theological College Bible Lands Study Tour 2012
- Extracts from the Manual on Indulgences (2006)
- MacKillop-Woods Way Pilgrimage 2016-2021
- My Anima Education course notes
- My Articles
- “How to live best alongside Muslims in Australia”
- “The Very Heart of the Gospel” – Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium
- Council of Christians and Jews: “Same-Sex Marriage” Panel – Presentation by David Schütz
- Ecumenism, Interfaith Dialogue and the New Evangelisation
- Evangelisation and Proselytisation
- Passover meets Easter
- Response to a further enquiry on “How Jesus the Faithful Jew became the Christ of Christian Faith”
- Response to Paul Forgasz on “How Jesus the Faithful Jew became the Christ of Christian Faith”
- The Christian Hope and Christian Dialogue with Jews (2013)
- The New Evangelisation – Presentation to the National Conference of the Catholic Women’s League of Australia
- The Schütz Model for a Elective Australian Constitutional Monarchy
- What is the Gospel? Some analytic thoughts
- My Aussie Camino – The Inaugural MacKillop-Woods Way Pilgrimage (April 2014)
- My Essays On Liturgical Music and Song
- My Interviews
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- Prayers for the Burial of a Pet
- The Aussie Camino
- To the Holy Door: A Pilgrimage of Mercy (December 13)
- Who is Schütz?
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About This Blog
Sentire Cum Ecclesia began years ago back when blogs were the latest thing. They are a bit passe now, and I spend most of my time on twitter (@scecclesia) but from time to time, I do add new things on this ‘ere website. Mostly I use it as a place for journaling about my Pilgrimage experiences.
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Thanks Herr Schütz!!!
How do I ‘source’ my pictures?? A live RSS feed via Safari’s RSS Feed Reader for BXVI!!! Too geeky??
Yes, geeky and Macky. But Benedict really is good for funny pictures, isn’t he? Which is odd, because he is not (at first glance) a “funny guy”. Perhaps its just the joy we get out of seeing such a serious character in fun situations!
Or, because he is German and all Germans are very funny! (I don’t believe I just wrote that!!!)
I’ll see if I dig up some more funny pictures but often it is the caption and not the picture per se.
Macs rule! Did you read the Mac vs PC post some days ago?
No, on the basis that there is no contest. The fact is that PC’s rule the world, even if Mac’s deserve to. That’s reality. The IT world is not a meritocracy. Maybe in heaven they will all use Mac’s, while those in Hell will have deal with eternal system errors and never fulfilled offers of assistance from the Microsoft Help desk.
I had this picture of the souls in Purgatory trying to get some sense out of the Microsoft Help Desk. Now that would be suffering for your sins.
Pardon my ignorance, but what does the “:ROTF” part of “:ROTFLOL” mean?
‘Rolling On The Floor’
Not a big fan of Weird Al? White and Nerdy??