Dominican Sisters of Mary – on Oprah?!!

Yep, no kidding. I don’t watch Oprah (of course), so I am thankful for the tip off from Andrew Rabel about this amazing episode of the show that features the Dominican Sisters of Mary from Michigan. Oprah begins by saying that they rang around a number of convents to find someone who would allow them access to the life of their community, and got the cold shoulder from everyone UNTIL they got to the Dominican Sisters of Mary. With this lot, they hit paydirt.

This sort of exposure does no harm to the cause of vocations in the Church. In fact, thanks to a rather respectful treatment by Oprah, I reckon there will be a spike in expressions of interest in vocations for the order. Of course, Oprah does focus on the “no sex” issue, but over all, it is both positive and informative. The final comment says it all: “Rather than being very strict, their lives are actually much more liberating.”

Take a look. There are four parts, about 25 minutes in all.

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5 Responses to Dominican Sisters of Mary – on Oprah?!!

  1. Son of Trypho says:

    But if they went to a regular convent for the low down on daily life for the sisters people would think they accidentally went to a retirement home instead…

  2. Clara says:

    Great insight in the life of these sisters, but the Dominican sisters working in Sydney are the Dominican Sisters of St Cecelia from Nashville, Tennessee.

  3. Chris S says:

    The Dominican Sisters of Mary were founded by the Nashville Dominican Sisters. I understand their way of life and spirituality are largely the same.

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