The Past Year on WordPress

Well, Sentire Cum Ecclesia has been at this WordPress site now for just on a year, and in the last year, readership has returned to and finally exceeded the level of the old Blogspot days. In March 2009, we had just over 7,600 hits for the month. Last November, we had just over 7,000 visitors. But in this March just completed, we had a grand total of 8,976 visits to the blog. I realize that is pretty modest by the standards of some blogs (Cooees, for eg.), but it does mean that many of you find that this is a good place to come and talk about our faith and the things that matter most – the “First Things”, as another (and also much better read) website and journal call them.

Your prayers and support are requested and always appreciated. This blog exists for one purpose: to aid all who wish to “Think with the Church”, to the glory of God and in the service of his Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.

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