Flat out – this time literally

Sometimes life is just not fair. I mean I did say to some one towards the end of our three day Symposium on Death & Dying that when it was all over I intended to go home and go to bed and not get up for three days, but I didn’t mean it to happen like this. Within half an hour of the end of the conference I had put my back out and am now resigned to being laid out horizontal for at least another three or four days. Which means no blogging folks. Your prayers for a speedy recovery would be appreciated.

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9 Responses to Flat out – this time literally

  1. matthias says:

    No blogging just logging. Look after yourself. and am upholding you in my prayers

  2. Well, I know all about being ‘flat’ after Easter.

    Hope the back mends soon, David, and may God grant you much patience in the meantime.

  3. Terry Maher (Past Elder) says:

    Long ago in a galaxy far, far away, I might have joked that this is taking Low Sunday too low!

  4. Anne says:

    careful what you ask for David, you know we have a giver who gives immediately (lol)
    Get well soon and prayers assured.

  5. GAB says:

    Your back and general well-being are in my prayers. May your healing be swift.

  6. Christine says:

    Well! Some people will do anything to get a few days off :)

    With prayers that you will be up and about soon!


  7. Rev. Ed Steele says:


    My prayers are with you. Yours is a voice much needed in today’s world. Get well soon!


  8. Louise says:

    Prayers, David. God bless.

  9. Tom says:

    Sorry to hear about your back, old egg. May our Lord give you patience as you endure the pain.

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