I should have blogged on this ages ago–because it is really exciting news, and you will want to be a part of it.
There is a new adult Catholic education course happening in Melbourne (yes, that’s the link, so give it a click). It’s a small, private initiative of Anima Catholic Women’s Network and the Catholic Women’s League of Victoria which is seeking to fill what is perceived to be a gap in currently available formation in Melbourne. Please note that the course if for both MEN and WOMEN, even though sponsored by women’s groups!
The course is called “Foundations of the Faith”, and yours truly hits off with the first of four units for the year. My unit is called “A Walk through the Scriptures”, and we will be doing just that: opening our bibles and letting our eyes, mind and heart do the walking.
For the venture to be successful, we have to make financial ends meet. Thus we need at least twelve enrolments per unit. So I highly recommend it to you if you are a Melbournian. The location is central (Fitzroy), and the times will be from 6pm to 8pm in the evening, so that should be managable too. For more info, click the link above, or contact: ANIMA Education, P O Box 402, Heidelberg, 3084 Email : info@anima.org.au Phone : 0415 357 175
Can the archdiocese not fund an orthodox Faith education course or am I being a little dense here?