Leonard Klein on EWTN "Journey Home" next week

Next week on EWTN’s “Journey Home” Program, Father Leonard Klein (once Pastor Leonard Klein of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) will be interviewed by Marcus Grodi, to tell the story of his conversion in entry into the Catholic Church. The program airs for the first time on at 12noon on Tuesday 30th of January (Australian EST). You will be able to download it as a podcast during the following week.

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2 Responses to Leonard Klein on EWTN "Journey Home" next week

  1. Anonymous says:

    That’s a great quote by Chesterton, which book is it from? Also, I heard a speaker on EWTN radio and was unable to complete the program to get his name, but he was Jewish, then became pentecostal, then converted to Catholicism. Do you , by any chance, know who this is?

  2. Schütz says:

    I take it you mean the quote about the reformer? Its from Chesterton’s column in the Illustrated London News on Oct 28, 1922.

    Yeah, I heard that speaker too, but can’t remember his name. Sorry.

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