Zenit has published a short meditation by Archbishop Vincent Landel of Rabat in response to the publication of cartoons on Mohammed in the Western press. Christians and Muslims and indeed all people of goodwill will find this is worth thinking about.
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If the other really became my brother!
Is not this the question one must ask given the debate in the media?
If the other really became my brother, could I question the faith that makes him live?
Could I ridicule his beliefs in one way or another?
If the other really became my brother, could I speak of freedom without living respect?
If the other really became my brother, could I reject him with violent acts against his person or properties?
If the other really became my brother, could I allow myself to speak negatively about him behind his back? Could I allow myself to destroy even his privacy?
If the other really became my brother, I could really meet him in truth; we could speak simply, even if we don’t agree on everything.
If the other really became my brother, meeting with him would make me grow, and I am certain he would also grow.
If the other really became my brother, our gazes would meet and a real smile would illuminate our faces.
If the other really became my brother, what an exciting world we could build!