The Garuti quote I was looking for…

In my last post, about Orthodoxy and Communio, I referred to a quote from Garuti’s “The primacy of the Bishop of Rome”. I’ve found it now, and it wasn’t Garuti himself, he was quoting the Orthodox-Roman Catholic Committee in its “Commentary on the Munich Document” (1983). It is in a footnote to the comment that in Orthodoxy “the episkope for the universal church is seen to be entrusted by the Spirit to the totality of local bishops in communion with one another.” The footnote then reads:

The way in which the document focuses on the ‘local church’ through eucharistic ecclesiology does not readily correspond to the actual situation of bishops and their churches today. Although this model offers some useful insights, the character, numerical size, and geographical extent of most local churches makes application problematic.

Make of that what you will, I guess.

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