What's going on in the UK?

Catholic Herald writer, Milo Yiannopoulos, has written a piece (featured in Cathnews today) about the “sneering vitriol heaped upon the Holy Father and on Catholics in general by the metropolitan elites in advance of the papal visit in September”, which she says “has been little short of staggering.”

All of which begs the question: why? …[W]hy the extraordinary campaign – one might even say conspiracy – to discredit the Church? Surely it cannot be fully explained by the child abuse crisis. What is going on?

My guess? Character, motive and opportunity:

Character: The latent and deepset English suspicion of the Papacy and the Catholic Church
Motive: A wish to discredit the Christian faith in general
Opportunity: the coincidence of the sexual abuse scandal with the papal visit.

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4 Responses to What's going on in the UK?

  1. Peter Golding says:

    I suspect your guess is close to the mark David.
    At times like this I find comfort in that wonderful Oscar Wilde line-“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about”

  2. Tony says:

    Just love the opening (with my emphasis):

    Why are the media so utterly hostile to the Pope?

    The sneering vitriol heaped upon the Holy Father and on Catholics in general by the metropolitan elites

    So the writer, Milo Yiannopoulos, is ‘the media’ and is probably writing from the ‘metropolis’ or ‘inside the beltway’ as they say in the US and, as such, is part of the ‘elite’ (… er … to the extent that these things can be defined).

    This is just one member of the ‘commentariate’ taking a swipe at other members of the ‘commentariate’ using the same ‘journalistic’ standards of evidence and moderate-in-tone style (not).

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