Welcome to "Felix Martinus Sixtus/Sextus"!!!

Louise left a comment on a former post saying:

I’m just dropping in to tell you that our son, Felix Martin was born on Friday 23 July, weighing in at 8lb 2oz.

Many thanks for the prayers. I’m recovering well and the baby is healthy and a beautiful little chap, adored by us all.

Woohoo, Louise! Well done, and congratulations, and all our prayers! Please email me a photograph and I will be happy to post it on this ‘ere blog! May he indeed live up to his name and bring true happiness to you and all his family! (I take it the middle name was not after the great 16th century reformer?)

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9 Responses to Welcome to "Felix Martinus Sixtus/Sextus"!!!

  1. Louise says:

    Indeed, David, the Martin is for one of Nick’s grandfathers!

    Thanks for the post – I’ll send a pic along soon I hope.

  2. Christine says:

    The angels are rejoicing! Heartiest congratulations, Louise and blessings on Felix Martin and all the family!

  3. Peregrinus says:

    Terrific news, Louise. May he be a blessing to you and your family!

  4. Congratulations, Louise! I’ll keep praying for the two of you for at least a little while yet.

  5. Louise says:

    thanks everyone – God bless you.

  6. Susan Peterson says:

    While the subject is babies…my daughter Emily gave birth to a daughter, Celeste, on Tuesday, July 27th. 7 lbs 14 oz… beautiful, perfect, healthy and strong.

    About 5 hours of active labor, no meds, no interventions, not a tear, not a drop of blood.

    Her husband and son were with her throughout. Born around 6 pm; by that night they were back in their own apartment.

    It just doesn’t seem that long to me since the joyful day of Emily’s birth! But there are satisfactions to this time of life also.

    Susan Peterson

    • Schütz says:

      Is this your first grandchild, Susan? Congratulations in any case!

      Cleleste is a beautiful name. Have you noted that our present pontiff seems to have a devotion to Pope St Celestine V?

  7. Christine says:

    Hearty congratulations to you as well, Susan! I agree with David, Celeste is a beautiful name for a girl.

    Blessings to all!

  8. Susan Peterson says:

    Thank you both. And congratulations to you too, Louise.

    I am sure my daughter Emily was thinking about the starry heavens and not about Pope Celestine, but that’s OK, he will know.

    This is grandchild number 8. My first grandchild , whose name is Alethea, meaning “truth”, was born June 24 1991, on my 41 st birthday. That was a great story also, as the doctor allowed me to “catch” her as she was born. So she is now 19 and a college student. Her mother, Joan, who was only 16 at the time, now has five children, and a master’s degree.

    My other two granddaughters are named Sophia (wisdom, of course) and Grace.

    Susan Peterson

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