Eamon Duffy in The Tablet on the Pope on the Liturgy…

I highlighted a little while back our Tracey’s article on Pope Benedict in The Tablet. Well, this time they have Eamon Duffy (he of “The Stripping of the Altars” fame) writing on Pope Benedict’s attitude toward the liturgy.

Much of it is purely descriptive, rather than evaluative, such as this paragraph:

Clearly, these opinions place the Pope as a theologian at right angles to a good deal that is most characteristic of the post-conciliar liturgy. We now have a Pope profoundly unhappy about much of what goes on in our parish churches Sunday by Sunday. In his view, the liturgy is meant to still and calm human activity, to allow God to be God, to quiet our chatter in favour of attention to the Word of God and in adoration and communion with the self-gift of the Word incarnate. The call for active participation and instant accessibility seem to him to have dumbed down the mystery we celebrate, and left us with a banal inadequate language (and music) of prayer. The “active participation” in the liturgy for which Vatican II called, he argues, emphatically does not mean participation in many acts. Rather, it means a deeper entry by everyone present into the one great action of the liturgy, its only real action, which is Christ’s self-giving on the Cross. For Ratzinger we can best enter into the action of the Mass by a recollected silence, and by traditional gestures of self-offering and adoration – the Sign of the Cross, folded hands, reverent kneeling.

In this passage, one gets the feeling (from the way Duffy has worded the passage) that he agrees with Ratzinger on this emphasis.

Only at the very end do we get a slight attempt at an evaluation of Pope Benedict’s liturgical path:

It is Pope Benedict’s hope that the free celebration of the old Mass will help reconcile to the wider Church many of those who view Vatican II with deep suspicion. It is possible, however, to sympathise with many of the Pope’s liturgical instincts and preferences, while fearing that his gesture, and the manner of its making, will be read by many as a sign of his own reservations about the work of the Council, and thereby help entrench such reservations at the heart of the Church’s worship.

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2 Responses to Eamon Duffy in The Tablet on the Pope on the Liturgy…

  1. Peter Golding says:

    I think it is important to remember that the liturgy we have today was not directly delivered by the council,but by the post concilliar liturgical commission headed up by Cardinal Giacomo Lercaro and Archbishop Anibale Bugnini.
    Lercaro was known for his hostility towards tradition which is reflected in “dumbed down” liturgy we have today.
    Hopefully the new missal will go some way towards redressing the balance.

  2. Christine says:

    Hopefully the new missal will go some way towards redressing the balance.

    A hearty amen to that.

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