Ho, ho! Here’s a laugh! Is this what Dawkins’ “Arrest the Pope” campaign has come to?
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- David Schütz Melbourne, Australia Peccator apud peccatores, et insanus apud insanos
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Pope Benedict’s words were that the Nazis “wished to eradicate God from society”. I think he is saying that the Nazi’s wanted to replace God by making a heaven on earth, which is not exactly the same as saying the Nazis didn’t believe in God.
Be that as it may, Dawkins’ form of words to explain away the bloodshed of the 20th Century is that “religious people are bad because of their religion, whereas atheists are bad because they are bad people.” Personally, I think the truth is the 180 degree opposite, but I suppose it is a free world, and both of us can say whatever we wish.
I had a slightly related thought:
Dawkins, Hitchens C. and others say that religious instruction of children is a form of child abuse. They say that RE lessons permanently affect the brains of children and make them religious believers for the rest of their lives.
I wonder what Ditchkens thinks of gay adoption? Does he think having gay foster parents has a permanent effect on the minds and behaviour of the children in any way? I have never heard them express an opinion on this, I just wonder if it would be similar to their ideas about the effect of religious parents on children.
This is all very entertaining, but it is time for all good Catholic boys and girls to be in bed, Paul. Have a good night, and we will chat further in the morning!
Yes David, bleary eyes for the last couple of days. Hopefully tonight will be early to bed.
Did you just see the Prayers of the Faithful in the languages, apart from English, spoken in the British Isles, namely, German, French, Welsh, Irish, Vietnamese and Punjabi?
Also, if I may be irreverent, I see Pope Benedict has violated John Cleese’s dictum “don’t mention the war” a couple of times. Today is the anniversary of the Battle of Britain, and when he met the Queen, he couldn’t resist reflecting on the paths that took them from the opposite sides in WWII to Hollyrood.
After Mass Schutz??