Like Dr Who, this blog seems destined to undergo regular regenerations. I started back in early 2006 on Blogger (, but found that it was insufficient for controlling “troll” commentators. This time the necessary shift was due to WordPress shutting down my site without any warning, and giving everyone (including me) the notice: is no longer available.
This blog has been archived or suspended for a violation of our Terms of Service.
For questions or concerns, contact Support.
Not nice. I had no more access to my site or clue about why it was shut down than you did. I guess we will find out if the same dark forces manage to shut this privately hosted domain down too.
Anyway, thanks to a small outlay to the folks at WordPress Hosting, we are now up and running again. Not all the stuff is back up – the links are noticeably missing, but all the posts and comments are here again.
Regular commentators may have to be re-authorised. I am not sure. We will see.
This probably calls for a new bottle of port. I think I have a nice 1985 vintage somewhere in the cellar…
Well, I’ll just try leaving a comment, and say congratulations on having a domain of your own!
Was it for cyber-heresy? :)
Welcome back David! I always have an ill defined fear that billions of people depending on free websites and services will eventually end in tears. I hope your web hosting doesn’t cost too much, but at least if you pay the piper, they can’t stop the tune without giving a reason!!!
Well done, David!
I’m sure hosting it yourself will leave you free to say what you really mean! ;-)
I’d be interested in how you set it up.
I’d also love to know why they (‘they’ being responsible for all the world’s ills) did what they did. Maybe you’ll never know and, as Paul says, that’s a worry.
Because I run another blog on WordPress – actually a website for Anima Education – I was still able to get into my user profile (through that blog), and from there, i was able to find a spot where I could export my SCE blog into a downloadable file. There was a notice on my profile suggesting that I find another host for my wordpress blog, so I googled “wordpress hosting” and found a number of american sites, but also this Australian site. It’s costing me $9 a month for the blog and $19 per annum for my domain name. Uploading it was a matter of downloading another piece of software to chop my 36 MB export file into bits under 8MB each, and then uploading each separately to my new domain. Then all the design stuff had to happen. 8 hours later and I was more or less back where I began!
That’s really very strange. I can’t think of anything that seriously could have warranted the closure of your former blog. Perhaps it was just an administrative or technical error. x
Bravissimo! I was mightily confused by the odd message; wondering what on earth you could have done to actually merit such a punishment. I assume it was something to do with the political advertising – don’t those people pay others to troll the internet and find out what’s being discussed and whatnot? Perhaps saying the Green’s aren’t Christian is offensive…
Deo gratias, you’re back!
Welcome back David. It’s a pretty poor show that you weren’t told why your b log was deleted.
There is a saying “There’s nowt so queer as folk”. You may well be baffled by the closure and no doubt you will never get to know the reason, but problems are there to be overcome. Congratulations on your solution.
Glad that you were able to resurrect your blog. I went into mourning for 24 hours-black is not my favourite colour
When the going gets tough the tough get going! Glad to see you were not vanquished by this strange happening!
Whoever caused this to happen could probably do with some prayers!
Great news David!
It was a most enjoyable and informative day at St Benedicts yesterday.
However,I arrived home after mass last night and checked my emails to find you had
been “arrested without charge”.Not a good sign in a democracy.
Is there any likelihood that some staff member employed by the service provider will actually reveal why your original blog was shut down in the first place? (If such a thing was ever done to me by WordPress without the courtesy of a very detailed and prompt explanation, I would take my custom elsewhere.)
Good to say SCE back up!
To see, that it…
That is. It’s been a long afternoon!
Well, now that I know your blog is hosted at wordpress it looks like a straightforward matter of profit! They shut down your free blog so you had to pay for one!