Pope issues Apostolic Exhortation following the (2008!) Synod of Bishops

There’s no rushing the Vatican. Someone asked me the other day when to expect the Apostolic Exhortation for the Synod of Bishops on the Middle East (which has just ended) and I said: We haven’t got the Exhortation for the last Synod in 2008 yet!

But here it is: Verbum Domini, or “The Word of the Lord” (the following RomeReports video makes a hash of the translation):

You can access the whole document here. I haven’t read it yet, something for tomorrow over a pipe or two or three.

About Schütz

I am a PhD candidate & sessional academic at Australian Catholic University in Melbourne, Australia. After almost 10 years in ministry as a Lutheran pastor, I was received into the Catholic Church in 2003. I worked for the Archdiocese of Melbourne for 18 years in Ecumenism and Interfaith Relations. I have been editor of Gesher for the Council of Christians & Jews and am guest editor of the historical journal “Footprints”. I have a passion for pilgrimage and pioneered the MacKillop Woods Way.
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3 Responses to Pope issues Apostolic Exhortation following the (2008!) Synod of Bishops

  1. marcel says:

    Inerrancy not addressed directly. It seems to be the elephant in the room.

    I wonder if and when the subject will be dealt with in a systematic fashion seeing as it is of great import in these historical-critical times.

    • Schütz says:

      Mmm. “Inerrancy” seems to be subsumed under “inspiration”, and, as you will see, the Holy Father has put a great stress on the notion of “inspiration” (he actually want’s more “research” done into this, whatever that means). As for “inerrancy” it seems we have progressed no further (and no less) than the Second Vatican Council’s insistence that all which the scriptures teach regarding our salvation is inerrant. A bit open ended, you might say.

      • marcel says:

        Not so open ended in my view of it. I believe the entire canon of scripture pertains to our salvation. Not one jot or tittle is irrelevant, it is certainly all inspired, ipso facto it is all inerrant.

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