The Very Model of a Modern Permanent Deacon!

What surprising things you find in the dustbin of the Vatican website! They’ve got a great new search engine there, and I’ve been dipping in there on various subjects. Here I found Pope Paul VI’s 1967 Motu Proprio on the restoration of the Permanent Diaconate. And there I found Paragraph 10, which says that permanent deacons should be practice and be trained in:

in teaching the elements of the Christian religion to children and other faithful, in familiarizing the people with sacred chant and in directing it, in reading the sacred books of Scripture at gatherings of the faithful, in addressing and exhorting the people, in administering the sacraments which pertain to them, in visiting the sick, and in general in fulfilling the ministries which can be entrusted to them.

It’s a good list of the functions of a modern peramanent deacon. BUT, pick which task I bet modern deacons are NOT practiced or trained in!

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2 Responses to The Very Model of a Modern Permanent Deacon!

  1. Arabella-m says:

    You ask ‘pick the task I bet modern deacons are not practiced or trained in’.

    That’s easy David – it would have to be chant.

  2. Schütz says:

    Got it in one, Arabella! I wonder if something can be done about that…

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