In case you haven’t seen it, this document from the latest round of the US Catholic Lutheran dialogue “The Hope of Eternal Life” was released on All Saints Day (appropriately) last year. I haven’t read it all yet, but it does address a number of issues that come up regularly on this ‘ere blog. I commend it too you.
Your Host:
- David Schütz Melbourne, Australia Peccator apud peccatores, et insanus apud insanos
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- “The Very Heart of the Gospel” – Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium
- Council of Christians and Jews: “Same-Sex Marriage” Panel – Presentation by David Schütz
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- Evangelisation and Proselytisation
- Passover meets Easter
- Response to a further enquiry on “How Jesus the Faithful Jew became the Christ of Christian Faith”
- Response to Paul Forgasz on “How Jesus the Faithful Jew became the Christ of Christian Faith”
- The Christian Hope and Christian Dialogue with Jews (2013)
- The New Evangelisation – Presentation to the National Conference of the Catholic Women’s League of Australia
- The Schütz Model for a Elective Australian Constitutional Monarchy
- What is the Gospel? Some analytic thoughts
- My Aussie Camino – The Inaugural MacKillop-Woods Way Pilgrimage (April 2014)
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- The Aussie Camino
- To the Holy Door: A Pilgrimage of Mercy (December 13)
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About This Blog
Sentire Cum Ecclesia began years ago back when blogs were the latest thing. They are a bit passe now, and I spend most of my time on twitter (@scecclesia) but from time to time, I do add new things on this ‘ere website. Mostly I use it as a place for journaling about my Pilgrimage experiences.
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Quite substantial Schutz and leaves no stone unturned.(as opposed to a former colleague who left no turn unstoned). i note that discusison around THE BEAST-ANTICHRIST seems to be off the agenda,or not discussed or perhaps the Luthernas in this discussion group have removed that part of Lutherna doctrine,although i note that the Pope as AntiChrist is still on the WELS doctrines pertaining to LAST THINGS,as it si on some of the pentecostal groups. About time these latter groups got a grip on themselves ,grew up and read some of the statements by the most recent Popes on traditional Christian doctrine . I believe those who are orthodox in doctrine in the Protestant churches have more in common with catholics than they do with their fellow liberal Proddies
May Father Tavard and Dr. Reumann rest in peace, they have both labored diligently in the dialogues.
Yes, Matthias, you are quite correct. Dr. Reumann was affiliated with what is now the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America which no longer views the papacy as the antichrist.
Thanks for posting this David, I do want to read it.
thanks for posting this David
I scanned through the section on praying for the dead
It will be challenging for some Lutherans I think, but good solid stuff
Welcome to the Commentary Table, Russell! To introduce Russell to other members at the table, Russell is a Lutheran theologian and an old mate going way back to my first day at Luther Seminary. Could you lot down at the end of the table pass the port up to this end so I can pour our new guest a drink?
sorry Schutz the waiter has gone to get some more .I did ask for Grange hermitage but he just laughed and said ,’you have as much chance sir of getting that ,as a Dispensationalist would in becoming amillenial”.
Especially at my place. I do have a bottle of “Hill of Grace” around somewhere, but if you want that, you will have to come to my daughter’s wedding… one day.