…as the Beatles might have sung.
I wasn’t there (not born for another 5 years), but, boy oh boy, reading this speech sure sends a shiver up your spine. HT Rocco Palmo.
…as the Beatles might have sung.
I wasn’t there (not born for another 5 years), but, boy oh boy, reading this speech sure sends a shiver up your spine. HT Rocco Palmo.
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Sentire Cum Ecclesia began years ago back when blogs were the latest thing. They are a bit passe now, and I spend most of my time on twitter (@scecclesia) but from time to time, I do add new things on this ‘ere website. Mostly I use it as a place for journaling about my Pilgrimage experiences.
The motto of the blog is:
“Maior autem his est spes”
I propose that
1) We replace the absentee monarch of Australia (who is also the Monarch of Great Britain) with an elected Australian monarchy.
2) The elected monarch exactly replaces the current monarch in the current constition.
3) The elected monarch has exactly the same powers, duties and responsibilities as those of the current absentee monarch. All the monarch's functions are carried out by his/her personal representatives (as is currently the case): federally by the Governor General, and in the states by the State Governors.
4) The Governor General and the Governors continue to be selected and appointed as they currently are, that is, by the premier with the approval of the monarch.
5) The monarch is elected to sovereignty over Australia for life, but his/her sovereignty is strictly non-hereditary.
6) The elective body is the "college of electors" comprised of the state governors and federal governor general.
7) The election of the monarch must be a unanimous decision on the part of the college of electors.
"The fervant Romanists have always this point in their favour: that they are ready to believe. And they have a desire for the conversion of men which is honest in exactly inverse ration to the dishonesty of the means which they employ to produce it."
-- Anthony Trollope, "The Way We Live Now"
"The truth may be out there, but lies are inside your head."
-- Terry Pratchet, Hogfather, page 242
"I really don't think I'm arrogant, but I do get impatient with people who don't share with me the same humility in front of the facts."
--Richard Dawkins
A shiver up my spine… no, another physical reaction.
But isn’t that Richard Nixon seated in the front row, second from the left of the one standing? As I recall, there were serious anomalies in the election, which really cast doubt on the legitimacy of the result, Nixon being Kennedy’s opponent.
As it turns out, it was a case of Tweedledee and Tweedledum.
Yep, Tricky Dickie himself!
When I say “a shiver”, I mean the kind of reaction you get when you look back these kinds of moments of history – knowing now what was to come – and read the words in a way that they could not have been heard by the people then listening to them, much less meant by the person speaking them.
A good speech, but the reality isn’t really solid behind it.
I sure believed in it though, when I was a ten year old in a Democratic family! I heard it on our brand new TV, bought so my father could follow the election.
At the beginning, my father said things about not wanting a Catholic to be president, but like the rest of the Democrats, he was won over and rooted hard for Kennedy.
We debated this on the schoolbus according to the simple measure of which group could shout the loudest. “Kennedy” roared one group. “Nixon” shouted the other.
Adlai Stevenson’s quip about Nixon “Would you buy a used car from him?” was the height of debate.
Susan Peterson
But there is a far far more ominous anniversary to the date January 22! It is the anniversary of Roe v Wade! (Jan 22 1973) The March for Life this year is Monday, the 24th, and I am off to Maryland right now in order to attend it tomorrow.
Susan Peterson