"Dear Benedict"

Benedict XVI is an innovator. He has introduced an entirely novel mode of Papal pronouncement called “The Question and Answer Session”. He did it first with the priests of the Roman diocese in May 2005, then again at Aoste in July 2005, and with the First Communion kids in October. Now he has held another “Question and Answer” session with the priests of Rome. In these sessions, when the Holy Father speaks “off the cuff” you really hear what he thinks and believes. This is where all your curly questions get answered. And to make it even better, the Vatican has thought it worthwhile to publish his reflections in full on their website. It looks like becoming something of a “Dear Benedict” column…

Click here for the full text (in the original Italian) and here for an edited transcript in English.

Here are some links to his other “Question and Answer” sessions.
First Communion (October 2005)
Priests of Aosta (July 2005)
The Priests of Rome (May 2005)

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