As some of you will know, I teach adult education courses for Anima Education (a work of Anima Women’s Network and the Catholic Women’s League). The venue we use for our regular Monday Night courses is called “Mary Glowrey House”, named after the founder of the Catholic Women’s League in Australia, Sr Mary Glowrey. Along with Caroline Chisholm, she is one of the next “hopefuls” for whom a cause has been opened for canonisation.
You can learn more about Mary Glowrey, her life and her work, by attending this event which is being put on by ACU and led by Anna Krohn, the founder of Anima Women’s Network, and Jo Grainger.
Thursday 5th May 2011
12.00pm Mass ACU Chapel
12.30pm 1pm Light lunch Callinan Room
1pm – 1.45pm Dr Sr Mary Glowrey – her life and mission
Jo Grainger and Anna Krohn,
School of Nursing and MidwiferyThe preliminary phase of the cause for canonisation of another Australian woman, Dr Sr Mary Glowrey commenced late 2010 in Bangalore, India. The preliminary phase involves a careful evaluation of Dr Sr Mary Glowrey’s work and writings, together with her religious life.
Like Australia’s most recent saint, St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, Dr Sr Mary Glowrey lived and worked in Fitzroy and has a direct connection with Australian Catholic University, St Patrick’s Campus.
On the day commemorating her death in 1957, you are invited to hear from Anna Krohn and Jo Grainger, two ACU academics that have been appointed to the Australian committee for the cause of Dr Sr Mary Glowrey.
Please RSVP by Monday 2nd May for catering purposes
Mary McInerney Phone: 9953 3072
Click here for more info about Sr Mary and her connection to ACU