I just received this from Clara, who sits at our commentary table and shares the port from time to time. I would highly recommend this workshop to anyone who is able to attend.
Called and Gifted Workshop
June 17 &18 (Fri evening: 7-9.00pm; Sat 9.30-4.30)
All Saints 174 Brunswick St FitzroyThe Called and Gifted Workshop is a tool for helping Catholics discern the spiritual gifts (charisms) they received at Baptism and Confirmation. These charisms are given so that we can be a source of God’s love and providence to others.
Melanie, a participant at a recent Called and Gifted Workshop, said: “The workshop proved to be transformative for me in the space of a few weeks. It was a paradigm shift – a real awakening,”
“What struck me from the beginning was that this was a structured program that let us through a process that involved deep thinking and a challenge to growth. It has a deep personal focus which led to exploring how to be more yourself for the sake of others. This was deeply revelatory”
We are all called and gifted by God to fulfil a unique vocation. Discerning charisms can be a major clue in determing God’s plan for your life, as well as your role in God’s plan for humanity. Knowing your charisms can help you make better decisions, simplify your life, excel at work, free yourself from envy and better appreciate your family’s gifts.
Hope that you can join us,
Regards,Clara Geoghegan
Coordinator – Called and Gifted
Archbishop’s Office for Evangelisation
T: (03) 9926 5687 F: (03) 9926 5767
E: Clara.Geoghegan@cam.org.au
W: www.evangelisation.org
I did Called and Gifted a couple of years ago. I recommend it. I didn’t learn anything about myself that I didn’t kinda sorta know, but it was very clarifying.
Thanks for the comment, John. That is the experience of most people, but it has the positive effect of confirming what they kinda thought they should be doing but kept holding back. Knowing is is the prompting of the Holy Spirit makes a lot os difference for some people.