One of our commentators sent me this information about the “Tim Staples – Know Your Faith Tour”.
It appears to be organised by Parousia Media. I have listened to Tim on Catholic Answers and he certainly is the “bees knees” as an apologist. In fact the Catholic Answer’s website describes him as “Catholic Apologist Extraordinaire!”. It also lists his charges for speaking events… I wonder how one becomes a CAE? If you can tell me, it might help with the kids’ school fees…
Seriously, I am sure this will be a great opportunity to hear Tim and to be encouraged and more deeply established in your faith. And since none of the promotion material I have seen mentions any costs, I guess Parousia Media are doing this as a favour to us all!
Here is the speaking schedule:
Tuesday June 21 @ 6:30pm
“The Bible Made Me Catholic”
Guinness and God – King O’Malley’s Irish Pub, Canberra CityMELBOURNE
Wednesday June 22 @ 2pm
“The Bible Made Me Catholic”
Freedom Publishing – 35 The Whitehorse Road, BalwynWednesday June 22 @ 6:30pm
“The Eucharist – God’s Extravagant Love Revealed”
Theology at the Pub – Pump house Hotel, 128 Nicholson St, FitzroyThursday JUNE 23 @ 6pm
Thursday “Catholics and The Culture War”
Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish – 3 Howard St West, MelbourneBRISBANE
Sunday June 26 @ 11am Corpus Christi Mass followed by talk at 1:30pm
“The Eucharist: Bread or Body?”
Marian Valley, Shrine of Our Lady Help of Christians – 2541 Beechmont Rd, CanungraSYDNEY
Friday June 24 @ 7:30pm
“Mary the Mother of God: What’s All The Fuss?”
Lumen Verum – St Michaels Parish Hall, 24 Margaret St, BelfieldSunday June 26 @ 8pm
“The Eucharist: Bread or Body?” (Feast of Corpus Christi)
Our Lady of Lebanon Parish – 40 Alice Street Harris, ParkMonday, June 27 @ 7:30pm
Debate – “The Eucharist: Real or Symbolic?”
Between Tim Staples and Dr Peter Barnes
Laity Ablaze – Bowmans Hall, Civic Lane the corner of Campbell St, BlacktownTuesday, June 28 @ 7pm
“Bible, Benedict or Both : Is the Bible Alone Enough?”
The Western Deanary – Our Lady of the Rosary Parish,
The corner of Vine and Weston Streets, FairfieldWednesday, June 29 @ 8pm
“Are You Saved? Is Faith Alone Biblical?”
Guardians – St Charbels Church – 142 Highclere Ave, PunchbowlThursday, June 30 @ 5pm
“Stump the Apologist- Q&A with Tim Staples”
6:30pm, Break for Dinner
7:30pm – “The End – Closing the Final Book of the Bible”
Westella – Renaissance, 2 New St, Lidcombe
That guy gets paid over $300 per hour!! What is the justification? He gets approx double what I get Paid, So I will start considering a career change
The organisation which Tim works for would receive the money and Tim would either receive a wage or a percentage of the money. Catherine, if you were considering becomming an apologist just for the money may I suggest that you would be carrying out this valuable apostolate for the wrong reason.
I have listened to Tim on Catholic Answers via computer for years now and he is very good at what he does. He converted to the Catholic Church 23 years ago after a Catholic he met whilst in the marines led him to see that Catholics were Christians. Tim spent 6 years in formation for the priesthood and discerned that this wasn’t his vocation. He is now married and the father of four children.
When you stop and think about it, to make even a moderate income, he would have to give about 5 hours teaching every week on that rate. Fair enough if you are a university lecturer with a guaranteed lecture schedule but if you are freelance that is probably more than you would likely get. I doubt if Tim is getting rich by being a CAE!
I don’t know what it’s like in Oz, but here in England Protestants have some strange ideas about the Catholic Church. Last week an educated 40-something woman, brought up as an Anglican, said to me: “The difference between the Catholic Church and the Church of England is that you believe the Virgin Mary is head of the Church whereas we believe Jesus Christ is.”
Tim is not exactly a free lancer meaning that speaking is his only job. He is employed by Catholic Answers and I would guess that he receives a fixed amount for the work he does for Catholic Answers e.g. answering questions on the radio, writing articles for This Rock etc and the money he receives from his talks would be in addition to his salary from Catholic Answers. This is supposition on my part; I have no knowledge of Tim’s employment contract with Catholic Answers. We also have to conside the living and housing costs in San Diago California compared to Melbourne Victoria.
We also have to conside the living and housing costs in San Diago California compared to Melbourne Victoria.
Ho,ho, Sharon! I rather think that Melbourne’s living costs are higher than San Diego. We have some of the highest house prices in the world!