I picked this up from the news feed from CatholicCulture.org:
Vatican prelate: ‘The Church has something to learn from bloggers’
June 21, 2011
L’Osservatore Romano has published an interview with the president of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications following a May meeting with bloggers at the Vatican.“The Church has something to learn from bloggers,” said Archbishop Claudio Maria Celli. “One particular feature of digital communications is the fact that it is a grass-roots initiative, not something official or institutional. One and all can bring to bear their ideas, their personal witness in this area … If, indeed, it is true that every disciple of Christ is called to bear witness in his or her environment and to be a leaven, the dynamic of blogging favors this mission of evangelization.”
And, as they say, “there’s the rub”. It is precisely because “one and all can bring to bear their ideas, their personal witness” that makes Catholic bloggers such a powerful resource for the New Evangelisation on the one hand, and on the other hand, such a “loose cannon” for the Church and her leaders. As I said in a previous post, the relationship between the Church’s leadership and her faithful (or, as the case may be, unfaithul) bloggers is a dicey one that will take some time to sort out to everyone’s benefit and satisfaction…
And for another point of view when the “one and all” includes the bishops themselves, see this post by a law professor at Villanova University.