My new Anima Education course starts on Monday Night:
“On your Mark!”
A quick dive into the Gospel of St Mark for Year B
Starting in Advent this year, our Gospel readings at Sunday Mass will be taken (largely) from St Mark. St Mark’s Gospel is so short, it can be read in one sitting! But it is packed with exciting events and insights into the ministry and person of Jesus. This short five-night course will give you an overview of the Gospel as well as diving into some deeper points of interest, and give you a starting block for a richer engagement with the Sunday Gospels in the coming year.
10 hours of interactive lecture/discussion (5 x 2 hour sessions)
Monday nights 6:30pm to 8:30pm November 7, 14, 21 and December 5 and 12
Mary Glowrey House 132 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy (oppositeCarltonGardens)
Total cost $15 per night ($75 for the whole course)
Enrol and enquiries: 0400 978 938 or
Sponsored by the Anima Women’s Network and the Catholic Women’s League of Victoria and Wagga Wagga