By a young woman named Fatma who was sitting behind me in the conference featured on the note paper.
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- David Schütz Melbourne, Australia Peccator apud peccatores, et insanus apud insanos
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Sentire Cum Ecclesia began years ago back when blogs were the latest thing. They are a bit passe now, and I spend most of my time on twitter (@scecclesia) but from time to time, I do add new things on this ‘ere website. Mostly I use it as a place for journaling about my Pilgrimage experiences.
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Very flattering (seriously, to be considered interesting enough to sketch!).
I’m reminded that my copy of the ‘Concordia Triglotta’, which I happily picked up 2/H at Loehe Memorial Library for $5, came ex libris David Strelan. In it a young David had filled in the less exciting moments in ‘Lutheran Confessions 101’ by drawing caricatures of various lecturers and fellow students. It’s a treasure!
Well I think you still have more hair than me Schutz.
I would have to say the same thing Matthias.
We can console ourselves with the old line that grass doesn’t grow on a busy street.
great sketch. But on a separate issue, David, is it true that the new Speaker of the House of Reps, Peter Slipper, is an ordained priest in the TAC? Is it likely that he will eventually become a Catholic priest? Isn’t this a bit awkward, considering the attitude of Pope John Paul and Pope Benedict to priests in parliaments?
Now that’s caught my eye! I have just two things to say here. First, if it’s true, by the time he were to end up as an ordained Catholic priet, it is entirely possible he might not be the sitting Liberal member for his seat. Second, considering the way clergy (including the Popes) support behind the scenes different politicial agendas, I think it is something of a fiction to imagine that priests (or bishops) are any less political or impure or compromised by not being in Parliament per se. It is more a practical question of how they might deal with policy that offends Catholic teaching. I think we can be too precious about this. All priests and bishops vote and discriminate, as thinking voters, between different policy value priorities. The other – purely practical again – aspect is whether Parliamentary membership is properly seen as the priority for preisty ministry. In some countries (Latin America) overt political involvement (Liberation theology) was understood as essential to the Gospel ministry, but condemned because it offended establishment values and economics.
I guess it can’t be one way in a democracy: either priests and bishops cease influencing politics altogether or the political influence be left open to the consciences of the individuals and agendas of the orders and higher clergy. How does that sound?
I must say that this is complete news to me. A short search on the internet would seem to answer “yes” to the question of his ordination, but, while that may be very interesting for the TAC, there is nothing to say that Slipper either intends to enter the ordinariate arrangement or seek to receive valid holy orders in the Catholic Church. So, mere speculation at the moment, I would say.