David Schütz – TV Celebrity

Yours truly is finding that more and more these days people are saying to him “I saw you on TV”. They haven’t started asking for autographs yet, but maybe that is only a matter of time. A month or so ago I recorded two interviews together with Jewish and Muslim friends to promote the JCMA Conference on the VISIONS program on Channel 31 our local community TV station. Unfortunately there are no video podcasts (are they being called “vodcasts” these days?) I can link you too.

BUT on Sunday 8th July at 11pm EST, I will be featured on Channel 31’s “Spirit of Life” religious program. Producer David McLauchlan is a local Catholic who is passionate about getting the story out about what is happening in the Christian Church (not only Catholic) in Melbourne. He grabs and interviews visiting celebreties, local church leaders, and plain old lay-folk like me from off the street, and gives them their 30 minutes of fame to tell about how they are spreading the good news of Jesus Christ to those around them.

If you are like me and can’t get Channel 31 on the telly, David also puts up “vodcasts” of his programs for downloading on his website. There are a zillion back programs to view (okay, 138 really)–and that will be a zillion and one (=139) after my program goes to air on Sunday night.

David has also asked me to let you all know that his program is in great need of the two usual things that such ventures require–(1) Prayer and (2) Money–so if you can help in either or both ways, please contact him via the details on their website.

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