I don’t know which blog I picked this up from, but someone out there refered to a short story by C.S. Lewis: “Xmas and Christmas: A Lost Chapter from Herodotus”. I had never heard of it before, but i found a copy if it here. It only takes a few moments to read, and is even more pertinent now than when it was written more than 50 years ago.
We are about to begin the Christmas festivities with Cathy’s extended family in the traditional Australian manner: down at the beach with a BBQ and prawns. The sun is still shining (it is 6:30pm) and I am enjoying a whisky on ice on the deck while watching the game of amatuer cricket being played by grandad and the kids on the lawn. We have just finished decorating the tree we bought from the greengrocer, and have put up the coloured lights on the verandah. Mass is at 8pm, so we should get a wriggle on.
A very merry and blessed Christmas to all our readers and especially to those at the Commentary Table. Pass the port – and the chrissy cake!
And a very happy, safe and holy Christmas to you and yours also, David.
I hope you do enjoy a traditional Christmas dinner tomorrow – turkey, ham, and pudding – and a nice nap afterward. Do wake up in time to pick at the leftovers and watch the Queen’s Message.
God bless you in His Son.
I second Joshua’s comments and I hope that all readers and Commentators have a Blessed Christmas.
Yesterday morning at the early morning Mass I attended Eucharist Father reminded us that One day Jesus will return ,that just as we are getting ready to celebrate His First Advent we must be ready for His Second.
This was kind of brought home ,when out to lunch with Colleagues and sitting at a Vietnamese restaurant in the multicultural suburb of Springvale, three men appeared in the street outside dressed as the Wise Men .One had a drum,the other a plastic trumpet and the other a saxophone and they were singing carols. People laughed ,applauded ,stopped to listen and appreciated what they saw. These chaps-i think they were from the Church of Christ opposite the restaurant- certainly made people aware of the Christmas message. For 5 minutes people stopped the business of Christmas to be reminded of the Kings from the east who came to pay homage to the KIng of Kings
( I took a photo on my iPhone)
Discovered after Mass this morning that the Nativity scene outside the church is missing Baby Jesus — Father said that no one could remember where Baby Jesus was packed away last year!
Blessed Christmas to all!
Chrstine probably the Episcopalians took it.LOL
Merry Christmas