I like to play Words With Friends on my iphone when not doing anything in particular. Of course, one could more profitably spend this time praying or mentally considering the next step in my PhD thesis, but there it is. I do like the fact that through it I have developed a couple of connections with people in the world whom I would otherwise never meet. One regular playing partner is a nurse from Trinadad working in Manhattan. We come from entirely different worlds, but we have this little game going on our phones… I call it WWCS (“Words With Complete Strangers).
But I do occasionally play WWF with work colleagues, or those whom I know through my various professional networks. One with with my opposite number at the Faith Communities Council of Victoria, Sandy Kouroupidis. Sandy is a bit of wiz at this game. But just recently he had such an amazing win that I rather wondered where he was getting his help from.
This is the final result:
He got every Triple World Score and several doubles on the TW’s by playing all the letters in his hand. I would have been VERY suspicious if his score was just four points higher…