I am currently going through my Facebook page – WHICH I NEVER USE – and removing a whole lot of “friends”. If you got removed from my “friends” list, don’t take it personally. If you are reading this blog, you are my friend. If you don’t read my blog… you’re spending too much time on Facebook!
Your Host:
- David Schütz Melbourne, Australia Peccator apud peccatores, et insanus apud insanos
Other Stuff
- First time Commentators click here before posting!
- Other Stuff
- Catholic priesthood crisis
- Catholic Theological College Bible Lands Study Tour 2012
- Extracts from the Manual on Indulgences (2006)
- MacKillop-Woods Way Pilgrimage 2016-2021
- My Anima Education course notes
- My Articles
- “How to live best alongside Muslims in Australia”
- “The Very Heart of the Gospel” – Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium
- Council of Christians and Jews: “Same-Sex Marriage” Panel – Presentation by David Schütz
- Ecumenism, Interfaith Dialogue and the New Evangelisation
- Evangelisation and Proselytisation
- Passover meets Easter
- Response to a further enquiry on “How Jesus the Faithful Jew became the Christ of Christian Faith”
- Response to Paul Forgasz on “How Jesus the Faithful Jew became the Christ of Christian Faith”
- The Christian Hope and Christian Dialogue with Jews (2013)
- The New Evangelisation – Presentation to the National Conference of the Catholic Women’s League of Australia
- The Schütz Model for a Elective Australian Constitutional Monarchy
- What is the Gospel? Some analytic thoughts
- My Aussie Camino – The Inaugural MacKillop-Woods Way Pilgrimage (April 2014)
- My Essays On Liturgical Music and Song
- My Interviews
- My Reviews
- Prayers for the Burial of a Pet
- The Aussie Camino
- To the Holy Door: A Pilgrimage of Mercy (December 13)
- Who is Schütz?
All opinions on this page expressed by the blog owner are those of the blog owner alone, and are in no way to be taken as the opinions of the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne or its agencies.
Any opinion on this page expressed by a visiting commentator is the opinion of that commentator alone and is in no way to be taken as the opinion of the blog owner.
I hope that is clear enough for everyone?
About This Blog
Sentire Cum Ecclesia began years ago back when blogs were the latest thing. They are a bit passe now, and I spend most of my time on twitter (@scecclesia) but from time to time, I do add new things on this ‘ere website. Mostly I use it as a place for journaling about my Pilgrimage experiences.
The motto of the blog is:
“Maior autem his est spes”Subscribe to Email Updates
Could not agree more David!
Two things I never do-
1.Watch reality TV
2.Spend time on social media.
david i shut my facebook down after my daughter returned from European vacation. She travelled with her best friend- who went to Avila College here in melbourne -and they were at a Papal audience in a hall in Rome. She put that on facebook too.
I shut mine because i started getting dating offers from desperate young women in Brisbane and Russia- they must be blind.
I had a student tell me that she was drunk one night whilst on facebook and i said no she was on “offherFacebook”
I too have a Facebook account which I almost never use. I do wish they would change “friends” to the more accurate “acquaintences”.
Indeed! There is no “middle ground” on facebook. You either “like” or “dislike” something, and everyone is either your best friend or your enemy!
I think I have a FB account but I dont think I know how to use it, as for friends? yeah right!
Having a long and distinguished membership of minority groups I have to confess to not only having a Facebook page but also using it on a regular basis.
I don’t publish much in the way of my personal dietary habits or vivid descriptions of my dream life. However I do find it an amazing forum for networking and sharing my photography, much of which is social documentary work.
I don’t think we were ever FB ‘friends” David, and I was not too surprised to see our one common friend. I have several clergy ‘friends” going to the rank of Archbishop. My political friends also represent a diverse spectrum of opinion. Are they “friends” or acquaintances”? It’s not a real issue in the global village. But be very careful of typos or you may be labelled an ‘errorist” (not mine but it tickles the funny bone)
Social media has changed the way we think about “feed” and “friends” but that’s the wonder of language isn’t it? After all I have been included in greetings as “friends” by people as diverse as George Cardinal and John Howard, neither of whom I have invited to my FB community. I have “liked” some pages just so I could exercise my intention to “unlike” them. Power to my keyboard I say!!
Social media is here and you are not obliged to use it. However those who use it for building social networks and sharing ideas are continuing a long and honourable tradition of communication.
And, yes, I do meet up with “friends” from my Facebook page. So, I won’t send you an “Add Friend” David, and will keep your tab live in my windows here so I can can see your “feeds”