I received a phone call from one of our commentators yesterday to ask if I was still alive or if the Bible Lands Study Tour had killed me!
So, yes, I am still here – or rather, back here, again. I have been spending a lot of time organising my diary and photos from the trip, and have made them all available on a separate page under “Other Stuff”. Click here to go to the page. There you will be able to download a full text copy of my diary to read (if such is your want).
I have also edited all my photos and created new links to each day’s collection. I have put a chronological list of links on the same page. Just click the links to view the photos (now edited) for each day. You can download any you like.
Sooner or later I will return to normal commentary.
I think I was that commentator. Anyway glad to have you back in bloglife too