Prayers requested for the repose of the soul of Pauline Bartel

I wish to extend deepest sympathies to Father Tony Bartel (with whom I went to school and seminary, and who is a regular reader and commentator on this blog) and to his father Ken (who was my boarding house supervisor at school all those years ago), and to his sisters, on the death of his mother Pauline on Saturday. Her funeral will be at St Paul’s Box Hill this Thursday at 2pm.

I ask you all to spare a few moments to pray for the peaceful rest of her soul in the joyful hope of the resurrection of the dead.

Lord Jesus, let your angels come,
when I must die, to bear me home,
my soul to heaven taking.
My resting body safely keep
secure in gentle painless sleep,
till earth’s last great awaking.
Then raise me, Lord, that I may be
with you in joy, and always see,
O Son of God, your glorious face,
my Saviour, and my fount of grace.
Lord Jesus Christ,
O grant to me, grant this to me,
I’ll sing your praise eternally.

(Martin Shalling, Herzlich Lieb, v.3)

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