I haven’t seen anyone comment on this passage from the Holy Father’s Angelus address given just the day before the announcement that he was renouncing the ministry of Peter. It seems relevant to me. What do you think?
“The image of the catch,” the Pope emphasized, “recalls the Church’s mission … Peter’s experience, certainly unique, is also representative of the call of each Apostle in the Gospel, who should never lose heart in proclaiming Christ to all people, even to the ends of the earth. today’s text also brings us to reflect on the vocation to the priesthood and to consecrated life. This is God’s work. Human beings are not the authors of their own vocation, but respond to a divine call. Human weakness should not lead us to fear God’s call. It is necessary to be confident in His strength, which acts precisely in our weakness. We must trust ever more in the power of His mercy, which transforms and renews us.”
Interesting and beautiful reflection here http://www.faith-theology.com/2013/02/a-letter-to-pope-benedict-xvi.html from Aussie theologian Ben Myers on (among other things) the different vocations which JPII and BXVI each discerned in their declining health.