Alterative caption: “And now we’re just going to stick this on your nose, your Holiness…”
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Who designed, created the horrendous light blue vestments for the pope’s mass in Austria? They looked shocking, cheap and a mess. Besides, the new sky-blue mitre fell, once again, down on BXVI’s ears. Can’t they make a neat fit that does not make him look like a beagle dog. Someone ought get his head size before making his mitres, a new one which seems to pop up each week. But let’s get away from Hollywood-stlye-coloured chasubles. This was a total fashion mistake by the Austrians and made the pontiff look ridiculous. Not good. Jean Marie.
I have to agree with Jean Marie. Did the pope want a more “down home”, “with it” “casual” look for you folks down under? I know y’all are more relaxed than let’s say…New York City or Paris but I wouldn’t think that would need to be reflected in the papal vestment de jour.
Someone needs to tell the pope that as we age we look better in more conservative and traditional styles…a little gold brocade is a good way to go. Groovy blue with…are those yellow Holy Ghost flames?…not so good.
Dear Dixie,
You have just made the same mistake as your President on his visit here when he thanked the “Austrian troops”–he meant, of course, the AustrALian troops. The Pope was decked out like this in AUSTRIA not AUSTRALIA. Hopefully–HOPEFULLY–the World Youth Day guys in Sydney are planning something a little more dignified. And hopefully they have his hat size too.
By the way, Jean Marie, the guys at Cooees are keeping a tab on the number of different mitres that have been perched on the papal ears. They are up to 23, I think.
Dear Dixie,
You have just made the same mistake as your President on his visit here when he thanked the “Austrian troops”–he meant, of course, the AustrALian troops. The Pope was decked out like this in AUSTRIA not AUSTRALIA. Hopefully–HOPEFULLY–the World Youth Day guys in Sydney are planning something a little more dignified. And hopefully they have his hat size too.
By the way, Jean Marie, the guys at Cooees are keeping a tab on the number of different mitres that have been perched on the papal ears. They are up to 23, I think.
Oh my goodness…very sincere apologies! And that completely shoots down my theory…I would think Austria would be very formal.
Maybe your Papa reads this blog and will consult with his Vestment Keeper (is there a name for the person that does that?) to make certain you get something dignified for youth day. This particular combination…the blue and the flames…however, is perfect for the Woodstock crowd. ;) (I can only say that because I am one!)
Oh my goodness…very sincere apologies! And that completely shoots down my theory…I would think Austria would be very formal.
Maybe your Papa reads this blog and will consult with his Vestment Keeper (is there a name for the person that does that?) to make certain you get something dignified for youth day. This particular combination…the blue and the flames…however, is perfect for the Woodstock crowd. ;) (I can only say that because I am one!)
I’m having clown Mass flashbacks!
Maybe an alternative caption might be: “And now we’re just going to stick this on your nose, Your Holiness…”
classic title.
Poor President Bush — the only other gaffe I can think of that made me chuckle more was when a past Cleveland mayor commented on the nefariousness of the Knights of Columbus (poor fella, he got them confused with the KKK).