Do you, like me, now have several empty picture frames about the house? In the state of, let us say, “frame vacante”?
Well, here is the perfect picture of His Holiness, Benedict XVI*, Roman Pontiff Emeritus, for you to put in some other little picture frame on your bedside table or bookshelf (next to “Introduction to Christianity” and “Jesus of Nazareth: The Infancy Narratives”). Click on the picture to download the full sized shot.
I got it off Rocco Palmo’s blog. Goodness knows where he got it from. Its pretty high quality and shows Benedict (obviously taken when he was pope but) dressed in the manner of a Pontiff Emeritus (even with brown shoes) and sitting on a bench in the gardens of Castel Gandolfo.
(* It just occurred to me that the XVI might be in accurate there – as far as “Pontiffs Emeriti” go, he is the “first”, whatever name he wants to go by!)