The Stephen Crittenden Show is back!

Stephen Crittenden is back on ABC Radio National’s “Religion Report”. I’ve
been a great fan of the Religion Report for ages. Although I usually miss
it (unless I am in the car instead of on my motorbike on the way into town
on Wednesday mornings) I always catch up with it on the podcast. To one who
attempts to “think with the Church”, Stephen Crittenden can sometimes be
very annoying–too much Stephen and not enough Religion! A friend of mine
calls it “The Stephen Crittenden Show” with good reason. Nevertheless, the
world needs more programs like this that put the religious issues of the
day (which affect a very large percentage of us) up front for all to become
aware of what is at stake. In their own way John Safran and Fr Bob do it
with “Speaking in Tongues”.

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