My first attempt at posting a video…

This is my very first attempt at posting a video. It is a short clip of me and my 8yr old daughter Maddy off on her second bike ride with me.

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4 Responses to My first attempt at posting a video…

  1. Peter says:

    OK, now I HAVE to know how you did that! I always thought I’d have to post it on YouTube first, but this seems a better way…

  2. Peter says:

    OK, now I HAVE to know how you did that! I always thought I’d have to post it on YouTube first, but this seems a better way…

  3. Schütz says:

    You might have noticed that there is a new button in the top of the box where you write your posts, in the shape of a film strip. You save your film (mine was in Quicktime, because I use a Kodak camera) on your hard drive, click the film button, and then browse to your video and select it. It takes a bit of time to upload, and it might look at first as if nothing is happening, but eventually it sorts itself out and voila! there it is!

  4. LYL says:

    Fantastic! I’ll have to experiment with this (after the dust settles from our move).

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