You should be getting used to these long silences by now – I have been busy.
So has my parish priest, Fr Nicholas Dillon. He has been working on setting up a new website for our parish of St Philip at Blackburn North. I understand that the way to get google to notice your website is by creating lots of links to it, so here is the link:
About Schütz
I am a PhD candidate & sessional academic at Australian Catholic University in Melbourne, Australia. After almost 10 years in ministry as a Lutheran pastor, I was received into the Catholic Church in 2003. I worked for the Archdiocese of Melbourne for 18 years in Ecumenism and Interfaith Relations. I have been editor of Gesher for the Council of Christians & Jews and am guest editor of the historical journal “Footprints”. I have a passion for pilgrimage and pioneered the MacKillop Woods Way.
I like it especially the part of the introduciton “where the Gospel of Jesus Christ is proclaimed”. I have been there the past two Saturdays for the 9am EF Mass and recognised the deacons as being from the Newman Community .The Bishop in the photo talking to some of the parishioners -is that Bishop Meeking from New Zealand ,who comes over at Easter time and preaches also at the Newman Community ??
Nice to see you back in action Schutz.
Pastor Pearce are you still at the Lutheran church in that far outpost of the Empire Bendigo ??
Pastor Pearce is now Parish Pastor at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Flinders Street in Adelaide
A very professional job.
In the photos,Fr.Dillon is wearing fiddleback chausables.In the chapter on reform of the liturgy in his wonderful book Evangelical Catholicism,George Weigel frowns on this.He thinks it reflects a “retro-liturgical” mentality.
I also note David that there is no link to your blog.Surely an oversight.
I have read this in Weigel too. Fr Dillon has a very nice white/gold fiddleback which he wears occasionally, but usually wears a tasteful modern style. Weigel was speaking against those who see the vestments of the 40’s and 50’s as normative. Rather Fr D upholds what Weigel suggests should be the true norm: beauty.
And,as Fr.Z keeps telling us-Say the Black.Do the Red.
With respect I do think that priests and others have to look to Papa Francesco on liturgical issues. This new bishop of Rome is telling his bishops and priests to focus on what is important. And its not fiddleback chasubles for sure. About zero in his estimation. The pontiff wears simple vestments and the power of his pontificate is his witness to the Gospel in all its simplicity. I think priests ought to watch his daily masses in the Vatican each morning and today’s parish Mass in Rome where he spoke to children and yes, there were two candles on the altar for a papal mass. Wow. The crucial matters are what Jesus did and said and asked us to do, not the colour or style of vestments. We have to get away from this ancient focus which is not important at all.
You may disagree, but watch and listen to what this successor of Peter is saying and doing these days. That is what matters.
Well, that’s my view from Europe this Sunday. And just see how the bishop of Rome spoke to those young communicants today. Inspiring and moving as usual by this great Pontiff.
I agree and what you have said fits in with the statement on the St Phillips web site about it being a Church where “the Gospel of Jesus Christ is proclaimed”.
and welcome to the blog