If I could have one [financial] new year’s resolution, it would be: to start blogging again.
The fact is that there has been a lot on my plate lately, and blogging has come a long way down the list. Yet, just around the corner, will be the Pope’s first encyclical. Perhaps, like the retirement of Pope Benedict and the election of Pope Francis, this will be enough to induce me into writing again.
It isn’t as if there hasn’t been plenty to comment upon. There have been so many things about which I have thought, I should write on that. But then there has never been the time.
I can give one good reason why I haven’t been blogging much. For about a year now, I have been regularly cantoring at Sunday 10:30am masses at St Philip’s Blackburn North. I put a bit of work into this, and that take up most of my spare time on a Saturday. I feel very fulfilled in this work – good music in the mass is a bit of a passion of mine, and it is a passion which is sated at St Philip’s.
In any case, I am getting the hang of twittering, and so I do encourage you to follow me on that medium. If you are not a twitterer yourself, you can simply go to www.twitter.com/scecclesia or look at the “twitter feed” on this page down on the right hand side.