I think the huge response to my recent posts suggests that some of you have been really hanging out for a good controversy.
Can I suggest that you might like to follow me on Twitter @scecclesia? You don’t need to “tweet” yourself, but you can simply sign up at twitter.com to get an account, and “follow” your favourite bloggers, including Kate Edwards (@kate_edwards_oz), Jeff Tan (@jefftdm), Fr Zuhlsdorf (@fatherz) etc. etc.
Admittedly, the combox is a bit limited at 140 characters…
Of course, if you don’t want to sign up for Twitter, you can read my tweets in the side column.
But I don’t want to sign up to twitter, I want to read blogs and comment on them, somewhat intemperately!
Please return, David, to your ceaseless blogging. Think of it as helping distract you from the devil’s weed, tobacco! ;-)
well said, Joshua. I don’t really “get” twitter – it always feels like I’m talking past people.
It’s a medium best left to the sort of folk whose tweets are picked up and put on-screen during the ABC Q & A show…